Exploring Tail Recursion

Here is a math puzzle that is explored in this post:
Find the smallest positive integer n such that n % x = x-1 for x from 2 to 18
i.e. The remainder is one less than the divisor for all integral divisors from 2 to 18.

The solution is tail recursive, but alas, Java and Ruby 1.8 (and C#) don't optimize tail calls, so they overflow. Erlang handles it.

I discovered this the hard way and so I had switch to iteration in Ruby and Java. I am not 100% sure if my Erlang solution is indeed tail recursive (the if statement ends after the last function call) but it does run noticeably faster than the others. I am a novice Ruby and Erlang coder, all code improvement suggestions will be gratefully accepted (expect for ones that call out for hard coding/error handling/better names, this is a puzzle dammit.)

public class Eighteen{
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("answer is "+ new Eighteen().findit(1));

private int findit(int multiple){
int n = 180 * multiple - 1;
for(int divisor=17; divisor > 2; divisor--){
if (n % divisor != (divisor-1)) break;
if (divisor == 3) return n;
return findit(multiple+1);

def findit
i = 0
while i = i + 1
n = 180 * i - 1
17.downto 3 do |divisor|
if (n % divisor != (divisor-1))
if (divisor == 3)
puts "answer is #{n}"

% Erlang solution


is18(Num) -> is18(Num, 18).

is18(Num, 1) -> true;
is18(Num, Divisor) ->
(Num rem Divisor == (Divisor - 1)) andalso is18(Num, Divisor - 1).

findit() -> findit(1).

findit(Mult) ->
Candidate = 180 * Mult - 1,
Found = is18(Candidate),
Found -> Candidate;
true -> findit(Mult+1)


Unknown said...

seems you should have written divisor > 2 in the for loop instead of divisor < 2

sriram said...

@ Manoj

sriram said...

My colleague Ramesh Rajamani came up with this little gem of a solution in Erlang.

-module (math2).
-export ([findNum/2]).

findNum(N,1) -> N;
findNum(N,D) ->
if N rem D == D-1 ->
true ->
findNum(N+1, 18)

Saager Mhatre said...

I know I'm a little late to the game, but I'd like to offer my solution to the mix.

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